Mandatory requirements for BIM creates technological divide


Small construction firms are being left behind technologically following government measures to make BIM compulsory on public sector projects

Experts from Morgan Sindall Professional Services (MSPS) have warned that government measures to make BIM compulsory for public sector projects over £5m is creating a technological divide.

The ruling, which came into force last month, is causing small construction forms to miss out on the benefits of computer modelling.

MSPS’ BIM strategy manager Brendan Patchell said: “Although the government mandate for larger projects has increased engagement there still remains a significant gap in the understanding and use of BIM, especially in smaller value projects and those outside of government influence.

“By making BIM mandatory on lower level projects we would see firms of all sizes benefitting from the time and cost savings BIM brings.

“The construction industry as a whole is late in adopting 3D modelling practices. If you look at the aerospace and automotive industries they have been using it for 20 years plus, whilst construction has only recently recognised the benefits.

“MSPS has been using 3D design on all levels of projects for over 15 years, and we know from experience that BIM can work on any project size or type.

“It can be reconfigured as projects evolve, leading to significant efficiencies, ultimately reducing capital and life cycle costs.

“By making the use of this technology mandatory across all projects, regardless of size, we as an industry would not only be ensuring best practice is followed, but we will be looking after our smaller businesses where the benefits BIM brings will really be felt.”


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